Blood Test Analysis - City Bowl Cape Town
Cape Town Metropolitan, Western Cape
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Other businesses in and around City Bowl Cape Town
We are a family run, Gonstead Chiropractic Clinic. Dr Glenn graduated in 2009 from Life Chiropractic College West in California. Since then he has practised in Scotland and England, including the world famous Harley Street. Dr Glenn is the only registered Gonstead chiropractor in South Africa and is passionate about his work. He has had the privilege of looking after patients ranging from a few hours old, to late into their 90s. We welcome all those who wish to function at their optimum potential,... Read more
Hi there, my name is Dr Clifford Yudelman. I'm the founder of OptiSmile.With over 240 five star reviews on Google and Facebook, I guarantee that my OptiSmile team will make your experience something to rave about. . Passion drives our dentists at OptiSmile Cape Town. The soul of our team is simple: do the best work in the shortest possible time with the best dental materials. As a result, we get exceptional value for money, premium services, and long-lasting results for our dental patients.... Read more
Featured Listing - Gold
Featured Listing - Gold
I have a passion for working with people. It is an honour when clients trust you and allow you to be part of their journey. I have a doctorate in psychology and a master's degree in clinical psychology. I am registered with the HPCSA as an independent practitioner (PS 0151882, PR No 1075462) . As part of my clinical training, I completed an internship at Tygerberg Hospital and Stikland Hospital. I worked in the Adult Neuropsychiatry Unit and Medical Psychology Unit at Tygerberg Hospital.... Read more
"Established in 2007, Wellness Warehouse is the combined inspiration of brothers Sean and Carlos Gomes. Sean is a medical doctor with a passion for preventative health and Carlos is a pioneer and health-obsessed visionary with a lifetime of retail experience. With their combined skills in retail and medicine they created the first store in South Africa with the sole purpose of offering a comprehensive list of health and wellness products to help you live life well. We want people to live life... Read more
I am a clinical psychologist working in private practice in Vredehoek. I assist adolescents, adults and families who experience a range of psychological difficulties. My areas of interest include (but are not limited to) relationship difficulties, negotiation of major life transitions, bereavement and loss, depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, substance use, identity and self improvement. WORK EXPERIENCE I have previously worked at Valkenberg Hospital (in Adult psychiatry and forensics), Red... Read more
Mindfulness based coaching supports individuals to bring a deeper and more stable presence, listen more attentively, have clearer awareness of their impact on others, model a more spacious tolerance for ambiguity and discomfort, show greater empathy and compassion and have greater stress resililience. Coaching enhances learning how to relate consistently in a grounded, present, embodied and compassionate way. Introspect Coaching follows a process designed to help individuals become more effective... Read more
Established in 1993, Marie Stopes South Africa is the country's largest non-profit provider of sexual and reproductive healthcare services. We are part of the 38-country strong Marie Stopes International Global Partnership, allowing us access to the latest innovations and expertise in the field of sexual and reproductive health. We seek to impact the quality of life in South Africa by decreasing maternal and infant mortality, averting unsafe, illegal abortions, decreasing the number of unwanted... Read more
Helen Hansen, founder of Holistic Health, is available for online therapy sessions of kinesiology and holistic psychology. Our Holistic Health self-study courses are available for self-help. They are practical guides with real techniques to help you understand the human body and mind, both physically and metaphysically. Learn to assess and manage your health effectively with HH courses. 1. MERIDIAN DEEP DIVE Become a holistic health technician by understanding the currents of information that... Read more
Products Cosmeceutical Products are the only products that can change the skin because the active ingredients can reach the dermis where the important transformative functions are performed. Our Aesthetic Doctors and Qualified Therapists are trained to prescribe the best skin care products available on the market, based on your skin type and skin concerns. Brands... Read more
Also known as Dental Image and Dental Image Recruitment Services -- Dental Recruitment - South Africa International Recruitment -- Selective Dental Practice Sales Testimonials We value you input — suggestions or criticism please e-mail us Testimonials We value you input — suggestions or criticism please e-mail us “ I decided to retire from dental practice ,I contacted Belita, and placed the sale of my practice in her hands.Within twenty... Read more
I provide you with a safe & non invasive form of sub conscious training where you control the depth and pace of your progress. I can help you achieve quick & effective results in the following areas: relationships (getting closure, letting go, strengthening bonds), personal development (quit smoking, weight loss, letting go of baggage, getting unstuck, setting goals, procrastination, memory & focus, improve sleep, healing, positive energy & abundance) and Past Life Regression. WHY HYPNOTHERAPY Hypnotherapy... Read more
Ever feel overwhelmed and depleted. Navigating the day to day chaos, in all its forms, gradually takes its toll on the body and mind, making it difficult to stay on top of things. We would like to offer you a pause to the chaos, a moment in time where you are free to clear your mind and relax your body. We are committed to creating this escape for you, aiding you on your journey to a sound body and mind. We offer a range of different Thai inspired massage treatments to ensure that there is... Read more
Run Cape Town offers personalised and individual guided running tours through the streets and neighbourhoods of Cape Town, with an accredited Western Cape Tourist Guide. We welcome anyone who would like to continue their usual training program, or who just wants to run for pleasure through the city streets: a dynamic, safe, healthy and fun way to explore this vibrant place. Run Cape Town offers different tours to meet your specific interest whilst visiting Cape Town, from historical routes around... Read more
We are a team of passionate and dedicated Physiotherapists. We are fascinated by the human body and are happiest when analysing movement patterns/figuring out the source of the issue (we don't like to treat only the site- that is often inneffective and boring!!). We also offer on-site Pilates, Yoga, Gyrokinesis and conditioning classes for runners. We use mostly our brains and hands during treatment sessions, but where need be we use needles and strapping. Tamsin Hodgson Physiotherapy is an established... Read more
At OptiSmile, we are driven to optimise the appearance, comfort and function of your teeth and gums. Whether it’s a painless filling you need, cosmetic or reconstructive dentistry, or even just the magic touch of a gentle, dental hygienist – Our professionals utilise the latest technology in a professional, comfortable and friendly environment to help get your smile back to life. OptiSmile principal dentist is Dr Clifford Yudelman. Dr Yudelman graduated at Wits in 1983 and went on to practice in... Read more
Balance Your Life Online is the largest free mental wellness psychoeducational website in Africa. Individuals are able to find information in the form of free online assessments, video's, Apps, Self-help guides, 24-7 helplines, worksheets, online therapists etc. A number of challenges are listed that includes, depression, anger management, anxiety, suicide prevention, addiction, bullying, stress etc. Research has indicated that well over 65% of individuals do not reach out for assistance due to the... Read more
Physiotherapy practice offering special services in Pelvic Health for men, women and children. What is pelvic physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is the assessment, treatment and management of physical conditions using physical modalities, manual techniques and education. It focuses on ‘levels of intervention’ – primarily what you can do to help yourself, and what the therapist can do to re-balance and restore function. Pelvic physiotherapy aims to shift whatever imbalance is causing pelvic symptoms,... Read more
"Established in 2007, Wellness Warehouse is the combined inspiration of brothers Sean and Carlos Gomes. Sean is a medical doctor with a passion for preventative health and Carlos is a pioneer and health-obsessed visionary with a lifetime of retail experience. With their combined skills in retail and medicine they created the first store in South Africa with the sole purpose of offering a comprehensive list of health and wellness products to help you live life well. We want people to live life... Read more
I am a Registered Dietician with an Honours degree in Psychology. I began working at my private practice in 2006. I am located in Claremont where I attend to clients from all over Cape Town. I work with a wide range of people, from those seeking to lose weight to those with special medical needs (sports, allergies, eating disorders, hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol). My passion lies in combining my psychological studies with nutrition and food, and I often help clients understand the reasons... Read more
Online Training Sessions
Personal Training online at my studio or at home one on one. Pilates, free style body conditioning or even useing your own gym equipment (kettle bells, dumbells etc. Only R405 per 45 min session. Sport Massage R450 per session.
Never miss a session again. We have live sessions Monday to Friday mornings. Monday at 7am and Wednesday and Friday at 6am. Tuesday and Thursday at 17:30. All sessions are recorded and loaded for your convenience. Our head coach has over 20years experience and has worked as a trainer and mentor trainer at the biggest gym in the country. We specialize in making exercise fun and manageable at your level. Read more
With 33 years clinical experience Sean has extensive experience in the fields of Sports Podiatry, orthotic design, and rehabilitation of lower body sports injuries. Sean has been joined by Calvin Sinnett and Karina Gajjar and Anelia Marais to form CAPE PODIATRY, and multi partner multi location practice. We all believe in holistic management of which orthotics are part. The sooner you get treated, the better the outcome. We all use the Sensor Medica pressure plate, and 3D foot scanning to create... Read more
First things first, I'd like to introduce myself, so you know who you're dealing with: My name is Kathrin Lauda and I'm originally from Austria. I've been living in South Africa for more than 12 years now and Cape Town is my home. I got married recently (for the second time, because often marriage is like a pancake, the first one is a flop ??) and I'm a dog mom of 2. My favorite things to do are travelling, going to restaurants, walking the pups and spending time with my loved ones. Fresh out of... Read more
I offer in-depth psychotherapy with individual asolescents and adults, as well as couples. My therapeutic modality is mainly psychodynamic, which aims to gain an understanding of the underlying causes of psychological problems, as well as unconscious motivations for symptom presentation, rather than merely treating the presenting complaints or symptoms. The therapeutic relationship forms an integral part of the process. My fields of interest include: complex psychopathology, personality disorders,... Read more
Based in Claremont, Cape Town, this clinic has passionate ophthalmologists to help you with any eye condition you may suffer from. The website describes various eye conditions such as retinal detachment, cataracts, eye cancer and eye floaters, as well as their necessary procedures. All intraocular procedures take place at Life Peninsula Eye Hospital. The clinic also works closely with UCT Academic Hospital, adjacent to Groote Schuur Hospital. Dr Steven Lapere is an ophthalmologist (eye specialist)... Read more
Dr Robert Durrheim qualified from the University of Johannesburg in 2012 with a Masters in Technology: Homeopathy. He received the 5th year clinic award in 2011 as well as top student of the year awards from 3rd to 5th year. Upon completion of his studies he relocated to Cape Town where he studied a 1 year Diploma in Iridology. He opened up his practice and is currently practicing at Victoria House Chiropractic in Rondebosch, Cape Town. Dr Durrheim is a registered practitioner with the Allied... Read more
BODYROLL is the most effective, non-invasive method for cellulite reduction. It is also highly effective in weight loss, muscle recovery and lymphatic drainage. While the massage aspect feels wonderful, the technology is breaking down fatty tissues that lead to cellulite and dimpled skin. Read more