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Dance Studios - Tshwane / Pretoria
Best match results for dance studios in Tshwane / Pretoria + 5km.
Eurofit is an HBB and strive to deliver premium quality exercise to small groups of clients. We focus mainly on Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi and Zumba classes, providing fan and challenging experiences for all!!! Bookings Only.... Read more
Rhythm Divine Dancing is a social dance studio situated in Centurion, Gauteng. Whether you enjoy Ballroom & Latin dancing, Line Dancing, Fitness dancing or you need shed a few kilos before your wedding, we can assist you. Apart from our fun and affordable dance lessons, we also offer a Healthy Lifestyle program, complete with a health coach to guide you every step of the way to reach you health and fitness goals. Contact us to book a free Health consultation or a free Introductory dance lesson. Read more
Dancing is what we're about - social dancing to be perfectly accurate! Sokkie, Ballroom and Latin American dancing has taken on a whole new feel at The Beat Dance Studio. We have a funky, up-to-date syllabus designed for club and social floors as well as an exciting competitive syllabus for the more advanced dancer. Situated in Centurion, South Africa, The Beat Dance Studio is conveniently accessible from both Pretoria and Johannesburg. Read more