Drug and Alcohol Counselling - Mouille Point (8005)

Atlantic Seaboard, Cape Town Metropolitan, Western Cape

Best match results for drug and alcohol counselling in Mouille Point + 5km.

    Mindfulness based coaching supports individuals to bring a deeper and more stable presence, listen more attentively, have clearer awareness of their impact on others, model a more spacious tolerance for ambiguity and discomfort, show greater empathy and compassion and have greater stress resililience. Coaching enhances learning how to relate consistently in a grounded, present, embodied and compassionate way. Introspect Coaching follows a process designed to help individuals become more effective... Read more

    Other related businesses in and around Mouille Point (within 20km)

    Recovery Direct is one of the most exclusive psychological and addiction treatment centres in South Africa. Nestling in a quiet Constantia road, flanked by rolling vineyards, ancient oaks and the breath-taking grandeur of the Constantiaberg mountains in Cape Town, the centre offers a perfect and tranquil environment for recovery. Stunning multi-functional suites, each decked out in Victorian colonial style with en-suite bathrooms, balconies and panoramic views, offer outstanding accommodation for... Read more

    I am a TRE (Tension/Stress &Trauma Release Exercises/Experience) Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Life & Spiritual Coach and Jikiden Reiki practitioner who has facilitated people to wellness and wellbeing with one of, or a combination of the above methods, with great success. I also offer seminars and workshops on various subjects to release and let go of all that does not serve one - and becoming the happy, authentic person we are meant to be! I facilitate a range of meditations from Guided, Visualisations... Read more

    Start Your Journey towards a substance /alcohol/marijuana free life by completing the Certainty In Change Program. Join your mountain guide, " TRUTH " as your journey towards the top of a high mountain and obtain the insight you need to change the way you have been living your life. The program is in a PDF format, that you are able to fill in together with a timetable and points tracker to help you reach your goal. You are able to complete this program with the help of a loved one, therapist or on... Read more

    Counselling Drug and Alcohol

    Therapy is deals with emotion-focused retraining of coping skills. Orientation is solution-based and supportive. The aim is to empower clients to conduct their lives in a calm and rational manner based on adaptive coping skills rather than non-productive overly emotional and over-learned coping skills. Setting is very private and relaxing. Read more

    We are an outpatient centre that provides confidential assistance to individuals and families experiencing problems with drug abuse. We encourage clients to commit to a six-week program as a start. They will have roughly three appointments a week, one session with a counsellor, one session with a group and then one lecture. Optional services include Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Art and Drama Therapy. We also have a Medical Doctor and a Psychiatrist. There are various services that individual counsellors... Read more

    Private Social Work Service. I work selective with evidence based practices. All intervention is done to assist the clientele utilising their own abilities. Read more

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