Healthy habits to help those with depression

Healthy habits to help those with depression

Medication and therapy sessions with a psychologist or counsellor are important factors in a person’s recovery from depression, but developing healthy daily habits should be given just as much consideration in one’s mental health plan. Healthy habits, such as practising a balanced diet, exercising regularly, nurturing relationships and hobbies and practising stress management techniques, can all drastically improve a person’s mental health. Take note of these factors if you or someone you know is dealing with depression:
Healthy habits to help those with depression

Exercise regularly and safely.

Exercise allows us to access one of the best natural sources of feel-good hormones available; endorphins. When our heart rates increase and we put our bodies under a healthy amount of strain during an exercise session, we can expect a rush of hormones afterwards that give us a sense of well-being, boosts our immune systems and improves our overall physical health. Exercise is also a healthy distraction from the stressors of the day and provides an opportunity for clear thinking and meditating.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet

By ensuring your body has the perfect balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, one decreases one’s chance of illness or impaired mental and physical functioning. When dealing with depression, it is vital that your body and mind are not being deprived of anything they need in order to prevent further chemical imbalances. By taking care of your body and mind through a good diet, you are giving yourself the best chance to overcome mental illness and simultaneously acting in self-love.

Ensure you surround yourself with optimistic, uplifting people

When coping with a serious mental illness like depression, It is vital to ensure you fill your life with people who have positive attitudes and healthy, non-destructive lifestyles. Avoid relationships that are toxic or based on negative dynamics as these will only hold you back on your journey towards a full recovery. Assess how your relationships with those in your immediate circle influence your outlook on life and consider putting some distance between yourself and people who contribute to unhealthy thoughts or attitudes.

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