Couples Counselling as a solution to modern relationship conflicts

One of the most important aspects of couple’s counselling is that each session allows the counsellor and clients to examine differences in the value systems of each client. In couple’s counselling, it is acknowledged that each person in the relationship will have a different personality, history, and set of core values. Couple’s counselling, therefore, provides a mediated platform for couples to investigate differences in their value systems, understand one another’s values, and find healthy compromises to promote a more harmonious relationship.
Couple’s counselling also provides a safe environment for couples to discover and confront negative patterns of interaction that have developed in their relationship. For example, a couple may realise that their fighting and anger towards one another increases whenever they experience a stressful season at work. By working together with a counsellor, a couple can, therefore, benefit from becoming more aware of when their relationship is vulnerable and of what triggers arguments in order to prevent the repetition of negative interaction patterns.
Seeking the professional help of a couple’s counsellor can also be helpful for a couple who is going through a traumatic or intensely stressful ordeal. For example, the loss of a child or family member, retrenchment, a change in financial stability, debt, mental health issues, the diagnosis of a serious illness, or an incidence of infidelity in the relationship, are all motivators for seeking the support of a couple’s counsellor.