Family Wellness Chiropractics - Munster (4278)

Ugu / South Coast, KwaZulu-Natal

Best match results for family wellness chiropractics in Munster + 30km.

    Chiropractors Family Wellness Chiropractics

    Dr Shekaar is a qualified chiropractor and is registered with The Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa and The Dubai Health Authority. He is currently based in Shelly Beach on the KZN South Coast. He has more than 15 years experience in private practice. He qualified from the Durban University of Technology in 2007 with a Masters in Chiropractic. He was also awarded the Clinic and Academic excellence award from the Department of Chiropractic. In 2008 he was awarded a poster presentation... Read more

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    At our Chiropractic Clinic in Shelly Beach, South Coast, the purpose is to provide quality chiropractic services in a warm and friendly environment. We specialise in the treatment of headaches, back pain, heartburn & acid reflux, sciatica, neck pain, shoulder pain, colic and reflux in babies as well as pain,numbness and/or tingling in the arms and legs. Read more

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