Myotherapy Myotherapy is a form of physical therapy that focuses on treating as well as preventing both soft tissue pain and compromised joint movement. Both of these ailments are cause of myofascia dysfunction. Myofascia is the substance that makes up ligaments and tendons, as well as surrounding muscles and separating muscles from one another. Soft Tissue Pain Symptoms You may benefit from seeing a Myotherapist if any of these symptoms have been present: - Stiff joints - Tingling or ‘pins and needles’ - Fatigue - Numbness - Constant pain
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Biochemical therapy is a natural therapy that aims to rebalance a patient’s cellular metabolism by ensuring the body has the perfect balance of essential mineral salts for optimum functioning. The 12 vital mineral salts biochemical therapy focuses on include Calcium Fluoride, Calcium Phosphate, Phosphate of Iron, Potassium Chloride, Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Sulphate, Magnesium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Sulphate, Silica Oxide and Calcium Sulphate.
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