Dorn Spinal Therapy in Cape Town Metropolitan

Western Cape

Best match results for dorn spinal therapy in Cape Town Metropolitan + 5km.

    Michelle offers the following modalities through her practice Sung Healing. Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) encompasses many holistic modalities of healing such as Acupuncture (the insertion of fine needles), Tui-Na massage and Moxibustion (burning of the Chinese herb – Artemisia Vulgaris). These modalities are used to treat the cause of a wide variety of conditions naturally targeting the body as a whole. Dorn Method It is a gentle form of spinal and joint realignment... Read more

    The 'Breathing Room' is a private Wellness practice situated in Cape Town I am trained in Specialised Kinesiology, Systemic/Family Constellations and as an End of Life Companion/Doula. In our work together, I aim to balance body, mind, heart and essence towards the integration and unfolding of all your elements. Knowing that we can live in good relation with ourselves, each other, the Earth and the Sacred permeates my being and work. By appointment only. Please call during office hours... Read more

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