Applied Kinesiology

Also known as biomechanics, the practice believes that the muscles in the body are intrinsically linked to our vital organs and glands. This essentially means that certain muscle weaknesses are in fact indicative of more serious distant internal issues such as reduced blood supply, nerve damage, chemical imbalance or any other disorders of the organs or glands. Applied Kinesiology practitioners believe that by strengthening muscle weakness, health can be restored in the affected organ.
What is it used for?
Interestingly, Applied Kinesiology can only be studied and practiced once somebody has already studied and specialised in a certain medical field. These professions can include chiropractors, dentist, osteopathic physicians or even your normal general physician. There are a variety of ailments that can be diagnosed and treated through Applied Kinesiology. These include nutrient deficiencies or excess, issues of the nervous systems or perhaps even energy blockages in the body (derived off of Traditional Chinese healing beliefs)
What to Expect from your Session
Your session will begin with an in-depth, detailed look at your medical history. This will assist your practitioner in understanding your body. You will undergo a series of non-invasive tests, such as testing your blood pressure, reflexes, balance and skin sensitivity. Your practitioner may also observe things such as your posture, gait and ease of motion. You will then be required to test your muscle strength by resisting pressure that is exerted by the practitioner. Muscles that do not move and hold against pressure will be labelled as strong whilst muscles that cannot withstand the pressure will be labelled as weak and seen as indicative a deeper issue. Applied Kinesiology is also a practice that works with food and how certain foods may affect the body. In this case, your practitioner will ask you to hold certain foods under your tongue during the muscle testing. To test emotional wellbeing, your practitioner may ask you to resist their force whilst imagining a troubling memory or situation.