SCENAR Therapy

SCENAR Therapy
The human body is an incredible system, and has healing mechanisms within it that come into play when we are ill or injured. When you are injured your brain will have a “conversation” with that part of your body, instructing your nervous system to start creating Neuropeptides. Neuropeptides are vital biochemicals that aid the body in the healing process.
When the body is experiencing chronic pain, it is clear that the body is not successfully healing itself. This is due to communication between the brain and the body breaking down or becoming complacent; the body becomes used to the pain and the brain no longer signals for the body to heal itself. This is where SCENAR Therapy comes in. SCENAR Therapy is a scientific acronym that stands for Self Controlled Energo-Neuro Adaptive Regulator. The aim of the therapy is to correct communication between the brain and the body, resulting in faster healing.
What is SCENAR?
SCENAR is a unique form of electro therapy that uses an electronic device to send electrical impulses to your brain. The brain then responds with its own signals that are immediately picked up by the SCENAR device and recorded. The aim of stimulating the brain is to ensure that the brain has not adapted to the bodies injuries, and hence stopped the healing process. SCENAR kicks the brain back into action and breaks bad habits the brain may have picked up.
SCENAR Therapy owes its effectiveness to its precise technique. It is one of the only electro-based therapies that have a very specific adjustment process. The brain is an organ that adapts very easily if it experiences something often enough, which is why SCENAR therapy makes sure that the device can emit numerous random pulses and electric currents that the brain won’t get used to. The practice also relies on computer-controlled biofeedback, making it efficient and effective. Your therapist will be able to adjust the type and amount of energy that goes into your body, depending on your specific needs.
If you are after a treatment that is non-invasive and void of harmful side effects, please find a professional in your area through visiting our homepage.