Naturopathy in Western Cape

Best match results for naturopathy in Western Cape.

    We are excited to introduce you to the wonders of Moringa Oleifera the most nutrient dense plant on the planet. Moringa is a tree of which almost all the parts are not only edible, but mind-blowingly nutritious. Besides being nutrient dense, Moringa has incredible health benefits too. And, as an added bonus, its high protein content, combined with low carbohydrate content, makes it an excellent addition to vegan, vegetarian and ketogenic diets. Moringas powerful immune-boosting and anti-viral... Read more

    Alternative Medicine Naturopath

    Beehealth offers a nutritional support program, based on naturopathic principles, that can together with conventional medical treatment, serve as complementary treatment to help speed up recovery of diagnosed illnesses and diseases. At Beehealth, the qualified Naturopathic Nutritional Consultant performs a comprehensive assessment and evaluation on clients, which includes medical, dietary and family history, and followed by interpretation of information as received from the client. The NNC... Read more

    The Brain Trainer offers Neurofeedback Training (Brain Training). aligned with world-class best practices. Neurofeedback is a drug-free, natural means of teaching the brain regulate itself more effectively through EEG biofeedback. Neurofeedback teaches the brain to change itself and helps attention, mood, behavior, cognition, sleep and more. Neurofeedback is positive reinforcement for the brain. Training the brain using Neurofeedback can change a whole range of challenges. It helps improve... Read more

    Alternative Medicine Naturopath
    Alternative Medicine Naturopath

    I am a registered Phytotherapist and Naturopath with a special interest in iridology. I treat all acute and chronic medical conditions, including mental health issues such as ADD/ADHD, chronic fatigue, anxiety, stress, insomnia and depression and others. Iridology helps me to determine the underlying cause of an illness as well as any tendencies towards disease. An initial full consultation will be about 90min During this time I take a photo of your iris, I take a full medical case history and... Read more

    Alternative Medicine Naturopath

    I am a Professional Doctor registered with AHPCSA. I specialise in Iridology, Integrative Medicine, Naturopathy, Rife and Infrared Light Therapy to treat all Medical conditions from just a check up to chronic illness. I also do pain relief for back, neck and joints, Sciatica injuries etc. Check out my site and give me a call. Read more

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