
Every day we are reminded about the harmful things we exposed to; hormones in our food, toxins in the air and damaging chemicals in our medicine. Naturopathy is an alternative practice that fights against all these unnatural toxins and chemicals and focuses on healing the body in a way that is non-damaging and essentially only based on natural and organic methods. A Naturopath treats the body as a spiritual being as well as a physical being, placing a large amount of focus on lifestyle change, diet and exercise. Naturopaths also work hand in hand with other practices such as acupuncture, massage and homeopathy.
A Naturopath can often specialize in a variety of different issues such as pregnancy, old age, and skin problems, children and sports injury. It is possible, however, that a Naturopath can be skilled and practiced in many areas.
Beliefs and Principles of Naturopathy
Originating from as early as 400BC, Naturopathy gains its principles and beliefs from Greek philosopher Hippocrates. Hippocrates instilled the idea that ailments and disease could be diagnosed and cured through viewing the human body as a whole entity as opposed to singling out certain areas. Below are a few of the principles that are invested into Naturopathy:
- Identify the root of the cause and treat it from there. Naturopathy aims to find the reason behind a disease or ailment, as the practice believes that a problem will always be the result of an emotional or physical cause.
- Nature has the gift of healing and is able to do far more for us than we have come to believe.
- Do no harm. A Naturopath is against using treatments that may cause pain or discomfort to a patient. If a treatment has harmful chemicals or risk of creating another condition, it will not be used.
- Passing on knowledge. A Naturopath will insist on guiding patients to take care of themselves successfully instead of relying on the Naturopath.
- Prevention is always better than a cure. A Naturopath will not only focus on the ailment at hand, but will also identify other areas that could become problematic in the future and deal with them before they become an issue.