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Iridology in Gauteng
Best match results for iridology in Gauteng.
In this modern era of mass confusion and differing advice, very few people realise that our bodies hold the potential to heal itself. We are constantly made to think that we are a flawed system, designed to suffer under illnesses and to collapse under the weight of chronic medications. We are placed in a mindset of having been damaged from creation. This, however, is not true, and knowing that is a huge relief. We are not victims of the fate of our conditions. At Namirembe Alternative Health,... Read more
Kadesh Lifestyle Institute is a functional medicine based aesthetics, naturopathic and nutrition practice that focuses on a holistic approach to health. This methodology aims to restore harmony within the body, mind and spirit, prevent, delay or reverse diseases. Areas Of Special Interest : Women's health Reproductive health Skincare Weight management Gut health Mental health/Mood disorders Lifestyle related chronic diseases Functional Medicine Lab Tests: DNA/Nutrigenomics... Read more
I am a mother of 3 boys and have been in practice since 2000. I qualified in 2005 as a Natural Health Practitioner. Have had many patients who have been healed by myself and the different therapies I use. I have treated various ailments and disorders from gangerine, add/hd, eczema, high blood pressure, infertility, cancer to name a few. I have also been afford two opportunities to study abroad in Beijing China. I really enjoyed it there and learned alot while abroad. My practice includes the... Read more
Eflleurage Health since 1994 offers a one stop health solution for all. Life Blood Analysis - Iridology - Quantum scan - Auroma therapy - Lymphatic drainage - Reflexology - herbal supplements - Bodytalk /Energy healing - Rife - Slimming - Facials - Tinting - Waxing - Far Infra red Sauna - Sunbed - Life Couching Read more