High Cholesterol & Treatment

Cholesterol is a very important part of a healthy functioning body. However, when Cholesterol levels increase and rise above normal levels this becomes a problem. The increased Cholesterol is problematic as it begins to deposit in our arteries and other areas of the body. These deposits begin to block blood flow and can result in a Heart Attack or Stroke. It is for these reasons that it is important to get your Cholesterol tested and if it is high, then treatment is needed to prevent these possible outcomes.
Conventional treatment administers a drug known as a Statin (e.g. Simvastatin) to reduce Cholesterol. Though this is good, as it helps to prevent a heart attack or stroke, it does little to correct the underlying problem. Not only that, but it also results in ongoing use of a statin, which in most cases significantly lowers Cholesterol. As mentioned earlier Cholesterol within normal levels in the body is very important for a healthy functioning body and if the levels are too low it can result in other problems, one of them is the development of Parkinson’s disease. Here is a study which has shown that ongoing use of Statin medication increases the possibility of Parkinson’s disease: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5466869/
For this reason and others, we have dedicated a lot of time and effort to offer an effective alternative treatment for high Cholesterol with Homeopathic Medicine. This is achieved by treating the underlying cause. The Homeopathic medicine helps regulate liver function and cell receptor sensitivity for the correct absorption, metabolism excretion of Cholesterol. We have seen time and again, patients who are treated with Homeopathic Medicine having their Cholesterol levels return to within the normal range and then ultimately able to stop medication completely and still maintain normal cholesterol levels which perform their important functions within the body.