Family constellations in Western Cape
Best match results for family constellations in Western Cape.
Family Constellations, Intuitive Energy Healing INTUITIVE ENERGY HEALING During a healing session at Inner Peace Healing I tap into disturbances, blockages or feelings of dis-ease in the energy body, energy field and chakras that create a feeling of being stuck and out of balance with oneself. You may have an awareness of what needs healing - it could be physical or you may know of where you are feeling stuck or know of a block in your life, or may simply feel that something is out of balance.... Read more
Medicine Horse offers Equine Assisted Services including Equine Assisted Counselling, Equine Assisted Coaching, and Family Constellations with Horses. No horse experience is required and no horse riding takes places in the above sessions. We also offer: Medicine Horsemanship tuition, as a gentle and authentic alternative way of learning about horses and mastering riding skills; Animal or Interspecies Communication tuition; energy work for health and well-being; and a variety of workshops. All... Read more